Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Keep Your Friends Close, and Your Enemies Closer

Frenemies- adj. people who act like your friends but are really your enemies.

I guess a few of us here or there have had our own share of the so called " fair-weathered friends". I know i sure have and it's actually pretty disgusting. The friends who are there for you when it's all fun and games but when the going gets tough, where are they to be found? NOWHERE. But I'm glad to say that I now know a handful of who my true friends really are. And it's really satisfying to finally learn that, after years of endless laughter and jokes but at the same time deeply saddening. That's life for ya!! If it doesn't kill you it only makes you stronger, after all, right?

Anyways, after it's all said and done, some things never change. Or some people, rather. I'd rather waste my time talking to people about substantial things rather than that girl who just walked into the room not wearing the latest in spring fashion. haha. And yes, I admit, I used to be one of those girls who wasted my time talking about her, her and him. But after a few hefty realizations, it's just not me anymore. It's useless and gets you absolutely nowhere in life, unfortunately. Although it was a bit fun at times, like a guilty pleasure, almost. Anyways people, at the end of the day when we leave high school and go our separate ways, are the same people from high school still going to stick by us? College is going to define who we will become in the future. And no amount of social status is going to save us then. So time check! High school's almost over, for some of us at least and thus the high school of life begins. Anyways, that's all for now. I'm out! :)

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