Wednesday, January 2, 2008


So here's to a new year and to the new people we will become. Hopefully this year will be better than the last and all the mistakes we made, can help to make us become better people. I learned so much in the past two days. I need a fresh start. A new beginning. And this time I'm really putting my whole mind, heart and soul into it. I need to do this for me.

2007 was full of laughter, tears, enjoyment, bliss, pain and everything else all put into one hell of a year. I lost some friends, made some new ones and even lost pieces of my heart along the way. It only really takes one bad heartbreak and then you go downhill from there. And trust me, I've learned from experience. My first real love and first real heartbreak. I was lost and I still am a little lost but I'm learning nonetheless. Gave my heart away too easily and got nothing in return. But hey, this is what makes us stronger.

Besides that, I'm kinda excited for school to start up again. I miss seeing my usual friends every day. Talking, reminiscing about stupid dumb moments and being careless and free in the halls. I'm getting a little tired of this constant going out thing. Time to hybernate and stay home and watch dvd's all day. I hope I don't go out until Sinulog. Haha. Well, my mind's kinda blank.

Happy Birthday Miss Nina Madera!!! I love you to bits.

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