Thursday, January 3, 2008

You're Snazzy

From a very well rested, relaxing, bittersweet two days of much needed rest... I decided to get my sorry ass out of bed and have dinner out with the family. It was quite enjoyable for me to say the least cause the food was delicious and happened to be my favorite(Japanese) and it wasn't chaotic for once. Haha!! After dinner, went up to Mountain View where Nina celebrated her seventeenth birthday party. It was a fun chill night. And after i vowed not to drink, i stayed sober all night! Good clean fun for me, which was actually good. I've been relying too much on alcohol this break that i almost forgot how much fun it was to have fun without drinking alcohol. At the end of the day,when you really think about it? It's temporary happiness. For the few hours that you're drunk and in whatever state you may be, the next morning, you're gonna be facing the same shit you did the hours before you got smashed. Haha yes, i made a few realizations in the past two days AND it feels pretty damn good.

I was music tripping this morning when I woke up and I discovered a few nice house tracks to listen to. I'd share the links, but maybe next time. I'm too lazy to search for them and upload 'em here. I noticed I've been pretty okay already. My moods up and I don't feel like the usual shit I've been feeling. Which is good!! I enjoy this state that I'm in cause it's careless and happy :) I'm just making myself feel good right now, leave it alone. hahahahhah. Had a good afternoon with Kevin and Kim and a delicious merienda with Johann and Ellen at Cafe Georg. Those two groups of people never fail to crack me up. Well it's time to plan my evening, I don't wanna stay cooped up in the house for too long, even though I will just be sober tonight!

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