Sunday, January 6, 2008

School Is Cool, But I'm Not =p

Well folks, it's been one hell of a Christmas vacation for me and I really wish it wasn't coming to an end this soon. It actually saddens me in a way because i won't be seeing the same people I'm used to seeing every day. And it's time for reality check because, graduation is coming up soon. And soon meaning, 2 months soon. But it's also good cause I can FINALLY hybernate like i said I would until Sinulog! I swear I am not going out anymore until then. Mark my words. HAHAHA oh noooo i have nothing else to say except, school starts tomorow and it's sad!

The wedding was great. Beautiful. Made me say "Awww I wanna get married!" Not that I meant that or anything. :)) My minds blank again. Catch ya laterrr mwah

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