Monday, January 7, 2008

The Ultimate Power

I was sitting in class this afternoon having really random thoughts and by some power something compelled (yes, I do know big words like this...I'm not a blondie all the time hahahahaha) me to write this...

A wise guy once told me "if you pray hard enough for something, you're eventually going to get it." I guess sometimes, we don't always get what we ask for no matter how much begging and pleading we do to The Big Guy Up There. Or maybe even sometimes, we get lucky enough to get our prayers answered and we finally get it in return in some little way, shape or form. Prayers are a part of our everyday lives, some people pray for the future in hopes to find laughter, happiness, excitement, wealth, health and sometimes even a crazy little thing called love. Some people even pray for the past, to change their ways or to fix what once was. But the irony of it is, we can't turn back time and erase all the things we regret doing but instead, we can look to the future to seek new things and fulfill new dreams, rekindle old friendships that were once lost and mend a broken heart from a past love. As I sit here writing this in class, memories come rushing back to me. A million memories I wish to take back and even a million more I pray I could get back. Unfortunately, that's just not the way the cookie crumbles.

Remember the movie Bruce Almighty, when Bruce got the power to control everything and he just answered everyone's prayers with the click of a mouse? Well, the world turned pretty chaotic after that. I think that that's the reason why He doesn't give us everything we ask for all the time. We might get used to it and forget why He put us here in the first place. We should just enjoy life, endure the pain it may give us and just...breathe. So here's to now and here's to the future. Come what may ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sadly we forget the ultimate purpose of prayer. It is a one way, straight channelled communication to God. From me to my God and from you to whoever or whatever you worship.

The main problem with prayer these days is that we usually forget that it is not a wishing well, it is not a magic lamp and it isn't the make-a-wish foundation. Prayer has many other uses. The 5 most common uses would entail, Adoration (telling God how much you love him), Expiation (forgiveness), Love (telling God how much you love Him), Petition (asking for things), Thanksgiving (thanking him for what he has given us).

See, many of our prayers are of petition. We tend to forget the rest especially once we have what we wanted. Most of the time we forget to thank God for giving us what we wanted. We get dazed in our new found focus and shy our focus away from God who should be praised for what he has done in our lives.

This is getting too preachy so I'll end it here. The message is loud and clear. Expounding would be to complicate a simple matter.