Saturday, January 5, 2008

Smile Like You Mean It

So after two nights of being forcefully dragged out of my house against my own will (okay, not really) I went out. BUT only because Judd's leaving on the 15th and...I can't not go out right? And plus school's starting next week so i might as well seize the day ;) Had fun though, laugh trips with Ellen and them at the Park, random Vudu trips and "Blonde Moments Brought To You By Layla Kiener" HAHAH.

Last night, I was sitting in this certain bar in a place pretty known to many people. I saw this young guy maybe about..20 something walking in with this really really old gay dude. Damn, I feel so bad for that guy!! Brokeback. Ughh. I don't really know what to think but all I can say is...That young guy's so luoy!! Maybe he's doing it for the money? I honestly don't think it's worth it, though. Ugh this topic just makes me sick to my stomach. Something else please? Hmmm I learned a few days ago that every seven years, every single cell in the human body is replaced. So since the year 2000, it's been seven years. We got a brand new body so we better be good to it! :p Fresh start and a new beginning. The new me, is gonna be a whole lot smarter. Okay, enough about this new me shit.

Got a wedding to go to tonight and I think everyone's gonna be there. Ooh how exciting. Fill you guys in on the rest soon. The sun's out and the sky's clear, perfect bliss. I love this weather. Makes me happy. :)

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