Tuesday, January 1, 2008

I'm Baaccck

So here I am once again, pondering on the useless thoughts of life and starting a new blog. Another new year is about to begin tonight, or tomorrow rather and boy am I excited. I better buckle up and enjoy the ride because this year, I wasn't ready for what was in store for me at all!! Too much happened too soon but nonetheless, it was one hell of a ride that was sooo worth it. I realized so many things, who my true friends really are, how life can just grab you by the balls and take you places you've never imagined and the importance of my family and playing the game right! Haha yes, I'm sorry I always end up talking about love, but hey it's all around us so how can you possibly avoid that???

So this New Year, I've made a couple of resolutions:

1. Stop falling for the guys who are soo wrong for me. I've gotten myself into a bit of trouble with that already more than once this year.
2. Laziness must stop because I'm graduating soon and heading off into the unknown world of college life.
4. Lessen on the partying a bit(but only after my birthday in February HAHAH )

Last night was a night full of revelations and realizations, I spent the whole night with Steven, Judd, Il, Koh and Arisa. And Johann even took us for a midnight drive run to SRP in his top down mercedes last night. All my brothers from other mothers were making me kasaba last night. And I guess I learned a thing or two from them. I'm utterly the most hard headed person when it comes to love. I really really am. The warnings keep coming from everywhere, and yet, I refuse to believe them because I'm so smitten half the time. But hey, if you were in my position, you'd see where I was coming from. I fall for the badboys that everyone warns me about. And that's my sickness. Oh boo, as one of my friend always says "Come what may"

Christmas break is just about to be over, everyone so cherish every waking hour with the people you love and drink up and be merry cause school's about to start and everything's about to get hectic. Well, for me at least. This is one hellova long blog. So I guess I'll end it here. Happy New Year and I hope all your resolutions happen for you! :) mwah

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i don't like your blog. i'm not mentioned anywhere, and i don't even have a picture here. you suck. ;p

This proves i have no sort of relevance in your life. i am pissed.


but you know i love you still ;p