Sunday, January 13, 2008

Party filled weekend, so much fun and Judd's leaving on Tuesday. It was his last weekend here in Cebu and It's pretty damn sad. :( I'm home, sober and left alone to my thoughts. And where does this lead me? It leads me to thinking of a lot of random thoughts about random people that have popped up into my life in these past few months. Sadly, only one pops up into my mind and hasn't stopped for the past week or so...I miss you, whoever you are, dammit!! I just had to let that one out.

Next weekend is Sinulog weekend and that means party timeeee!! Ahh how exciting. But, I won't think about it until about Thursday or so, just so that I don't jinx my fun on that weekend. Even talking about it now could possibly jinx my fun so what the heck...Went to CDU today and all I have to say is that I AM THE BIGGEST HYPOCRITE IN THE WORLD. I was the only one in my barkada who was soooo anti nursing, and now, look at me. Signing up to take the test. HAY NAKO. Haha oh well, we'll see where this takes me. My parent's are extremely happy, nonetheless so maybe that gives me a little more. And my whole family's extremely proud that I'm even going in this direction. So... Maybe this is my calling. Even after all the blondie moment's I've had, I'm still going this direction. Just to prove all you people wrong ;) HEHEHEH. :) Okay this is enough for the evening. Just had to air some random stuff out. Later.

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